You and me we always sweat and strain
You look for sun, I look for rain
We're different people, we're not the same
I look for treetops, you look for caps
above the water where the waves snap back
You looked at me and I looked at you
Your sleepy heart was shining through
Wispy cobwebs we're breathing through
The power of the heart
I looked at you, you looked at me
I thought of the past, you thought of what could be
You know me, I like to dream a lot
Of this and that and what is not
And finally I figured out what was what
It was the power of the heart
You and me we sweat and strain
The result is always the same
You think somehow we're in a game
I think I'm dumb, I know what's smart
It's the beating of a purebred heart
But you know me, I like to dream a lot
Of what there is and what there's not
But mainly, I dream of you a lot
It's the power of the heart

Postat av: Pappa
Hej Emma!
Vilken fin text. Hjålp mig lite, känner inte igen den...
Kan man tänka sig att du identifierar dig lite?
Och knappast nån tillfällighet med en fin hundbild i slutet... ;-)
Kram, pappa
Och välkommen hem!
Postat av: Mamma
Drömma är härligt! Men glöm inte uppskatta allt gott du redan har... Kram min älskade <3 Emma <3